Eco-clothing, but cool!
Rent individual products or entire looks
For everyday use or special occasions
Maximum variety in the wardrobe
Access to a wide selection of fair fashion
Swap as often as you like
Free Shipping
terms of 1-12 months
New: Order 3 items of clothing to try on - only pay postage.
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How does clothing rental work?
Your path to a sustainable approach to clothing

01. Rent me!
Choose individual items of clothing or a bundle (capsule) put together by stylists and select the right rental period for you.

03. Swap me!
Send back the clothes that can go, extend the life of clothes that you want to wear longer, buy clothes that you've fallen in love with. And then: choose new clothes for the next round.

Fairnica Showroom
Please visit our showroom and see the clothes for yourself.
Fairnica Showroom
Bergstraße 42
44625 Herne
Why should you try renting clothes?
You may have heard that the textile industry causes up to 10% of global CO2 emissions and 20% of global water pollution. In the 2022 report “Sustainability is Wearable”, Greenpeace shows that production will continue to increase in the coming years. We absolutely have to turn things around. In 2022, 85% of clothing was bought new. Greenpeace has set the goal of sourcing 60% of clothing through alternatives to new purchases by 2035. One alternative is renting clothes. We wear most of our clothes far too rarely. They clog up the closet, even though they could bring joy to other people during this time. When you rent clothes, the clothes always stay in the cycle. If you don't like them anymore or simply don't wear them anymore, someone else can use them. And you can try things out without feeling guilty. New colors, new styles - no problem. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations - that's not a problem either. When you rent clothes, the clothes adapt to you and your living circumstances and not the other way around.