What exactly is sustainable fashion?

At Fairnica, we see sustainability as a triad - people - animals - nature. Sustainable fashion should therefore ideally consider all three aspects and provide the best possible solution. We all know that it is not just black and white here either. There are materials that are celebrated by some experts and avoided by others. We are not perfect and neither are our partners, but what we all have in common is that we think about all three aspects in order to make sustainable fashion truly sustainable in our eyes.
The triad of HUMAN, ANIMAL, NATURE in sustainable fashion
We want everyone along the value chain who comes into contact with the production of sustainable fashion to be paid fairly, to have good working conditions and not to be exposed to toxic substances.
We do not want any animal products to be used in sustainable fashion if they involve the torture and killing of animals. We therefore avoid silk, mother-of-pearl, leather, fur and feathers. We have also avoided wool so far, but would not rule out the material in the future if its origin is transparent.
The textile industry produces a large amount of greenhouse gases, is a major contributor to global water pollution and is responsible for microplastics entering waterways. Our partners rely on organic farming, which is more resource-efficient and environmentally friendly than conventional farming. They try to avoid greenhouse gas emissions, protect the water by using natural dyes and avoid plastic (polyester, elastane) as much as possible.
What does Fairnica do to contribute to sustainable fashion?
We conducted a sustainability check with the Grubengold agency from Bochum. We would like to present the results to you here.
What is the effect of Fairnica?
Wir wollen eine Alternative zur Fast Fashion sein. Daher bieten wir ausschließlich nachhaltige Mode an. Durch das Mietkonzept bleiben Kleidungsstücke länger im Kreislauf, weniger Kleidungsstücke müssen produziert werden. Für die Kund*innen bedeutet das, dass sie Abwechslung im Kleiderschrank behalten können, ohne der Umwelt zu schaden oder ihr zumindest sehr viel weniger zu schaden. Die Kund*innen gewinnen durch die Möglichkeit immer die passende (Größe, Anlass) Kleidung haben zu können und sich auch neu erfinden zu können, an Selbstbewusstsein. Auf die Gesellschaft wirkt Fairnica als Unternehmen, das sichere Arbeitsbedingungen und faire Löhne fördert.
Our sustainable vision of the future
Wir wünschen uns eine Welt, in der es kein Fast Fashion mehr gibt. Wir wünschen uns eine Welt, in der Menschen nur noch eine Grundgarderobe besitzen (Teile, die sie 30x und mehr tragen) und den Rest der Kleidung mieten.
Our fields of action
We need to become better known as a brand and familiarize society with the concept of renting clothes. We want to offer clothes to more people (e.g. larger sizes, men's and possibly children's clothing). We want to be even more transparent on our website. We want to strive for certifications.
What we are already doing:
What we still need to do better:
We ship with DHL Go Green
We avoid printing flyers/posters etc. However, if necessary, we compensate for the resulting CO2.
We only offer sustainable fashion: more resource-efficient, less water consumption, no pesticides, fewer chemical dyes
Vegan clothing promotes animal welfare
green electricity in the showroom
We add organic detergent in a sample pack when we ship. This sample pack is sent back to us and we refill it.
We do not use printed inserts that cannot be used multiple times
We ship in reusable packaging from rhinopaq
We try to convince labels to produce larger sizes
We support our employees
We empower and increase the self-confidence of our customers by offering outfit suggestions
Customers reduce their consumption during the time they are our customers
Mutual support of startups and social businesses
We have our company account with the sustainable GLS Bank
Discount for students / trainees and schoolchildren
We bring “some Berlin” to Herne
We need to better promote our brand and our concept of “renting sustainable fashion” to achieve more impact
We do not use green gas (selected by the landlord)
We cannot do without shipping the clothes, but we can ensure that exchanges are rare and that people from the region come to the showroom
We must increase diversity in our external representation
Offer more clothes for more people (larger sizes, men, children)
The Fairnica CO2 footprint
Die Agentur Grubengold bietet auf ihrer Webseite einen CO2 Bierdeckel an. Damit kann grob überschlagen werden, wie viel CO2 ein Unternehmen verursacht. Da wir nicht selber produzieren, ist die Berechnung bei uns nicht sehr komplex und so haben wir den CO2 Bierdeckel für uns ausgefüllt.
In die Berechnungen sind eingeflossen:
Wegstrecken aller Mitarbeiter*innen zum Showroom
Der Versand wird hier nicht berücksichtigt, weil dieser über DHL Go Green bereits kompensiert wird.
Our carbon footprint is:
1.1 t CO2 per year
We compensate
2.0 t CO2 per year
Our awards
2018: 4th place + Sustainability Award from GLS Bank
2021: Sustainability Award at Nordpreneur
2022: Neumarkter Lammsbräu Prize for Sustainability in the category “Drivers of the Circular Economy”
2022: Start-Up of the Year Ruhr:Hub